Zoning/Approvals Resources

The Alliance has collected relevant information links for Land Development Approvals in both the Town and Village of Webster.

Data & Demographics

With over 400,000 residents, 200,000 employees and 170,000 households located within the Region’s average daily commute of 20 minutes, Webster’s convenient location along the State Route 104 corridor ensures your business is accessible to customers, suppliers and employees.


Webster has all the key ingredients to become a major employment center within New York’s Finger Lakes region. Chief among them is the myriad public and private infrastructure that support growth and investment throughout the community.

Webster's Opportunity Zone

The Opportunity Zone Program provides federal tax incentives for private entities to reinvest capital gains into Opportunity Funds. These funds are then used to invest in targeted communities throughout the country. 

Partner Agency Resources/Links

The Alliance works closely with a myriad of Finger Lakes, Regional and Statewide partners.

If you have questions, or would like more information on how the Webster Economic Development Alliance can help grow your business in Webster, NY we invite you to get in touch with us 24/7 through our website’s secure contact page.